Early in 2001, Sri Chinmoy called for ideas from his weightlifting crew about how he could continue with his lifting, putting all of the weight on his exceptionally strong arms and shoulders. One of his students came up with a seated machine from which Sri Chinmoy could execute lifts using either one or two arms.  This lift proved to be challenging – according to strength and fitness experts, lifting from a seated position is three times more difficult than from a standing position.

Over time, different variations of the platform assembly fastened to the top of the machine emerged. In 2004, using one variation, Sri Chinmoy lifted Larry McConneghy with both arms. At 775 pounds, Larry was the heaviest person he would ever lift.

Between March 2001 and September 2007, Sri Chinmoy lifted 6,263 people on this machine.  He also lifted a variety of unusual objects and animals – a small aeroplane, a car, a catamaran, a hot air balloon, a tree, a panda, a baby grand piano and 1,000 lambs.

“From my concentration, prayer and meditation I am able to bring forward inner strength, inner power, and use that power to increase my outer strength.”
– Sri Chinmoy

(This post is taken from a series of displays made to commemorate Sri Chinmoy’s 25th lifting anniversary in June 2010. You can find a slideshow of the displays on our galleries page)